Tennis and Pickleball Courts
Spring Creek subdivision offers its residents private tennis and newly developed pickleball courts which are perfect for friendly competition and staying fit.
Hours: Two of the Courts are Lit.....play late. Closes at 10:00PM
Access: Requires an Access Code. Contact POA Manager for access code.
POA Manager: Terry Nigh 417-720-1352, springcreekpoa@gmail.com

Court Rules
Common courtesy is the GOLDEN RULE of the tennis courts.
Please turn off night lighting (switch on the back of the pool house) if you are the last players to leave the courts. Lights will go off automatically at 10 pm.
Please remove all trash (cups, papers, ball cans, etc.) from the courts after play.
All players should refrain from offensive language and behavior.
Radios are not allowed on the courts.
The courts are not used for any purpose except tennis & pickleball. No bikes, skateboards, rollerblades or any other sports equipment may be used on the courts.
Any member has the right and responsibility to question the use of the courts by anyone who is not a homeowner.
NO Pets Allowed on the Courts.