Swim Team

Spring Creek
Swim Team
Spring Creek hosts a Swim Team called the Hurricanes that provides children of Spring Creek Residents the opportunity to learn to swim in a fun and exciting environment. Participation teaches a variety of strokes for meet competition while fostering neighborhood pride and friendships.
Swim Team Duration: Memorial Day to July 15th
Practice Times: Daily at 8 am - 11 am at the pool.
Platinum @ 8:00 - 9:00
Gold @ 9:00 - 10:00
Silver @ 10:15 - 10:45
PreSwim #1 @ 9:00 - 9:30
PreSwim #2 @ 9:45 - 10:15
Swim Meets: Spring Creek hosts 1 - 2 meets at home and usually are on Thursday mornings.
Meet Times: 8am - 1 pm.

2023 Registration
It's that time of year again where we need to start getting ready for Swim Season! All communication will be on the Stack Team App. See instructions below for joining Slack.
There will be a brief parent meeting on Thursday, April 27th at the Library Center at 4:30pm. There will be a suit sizing kit at the meeting in case your swimmer is in need of their suit size. As well as there will be a link to order suits starting the day of the meeting and it will remain open for about a week.
David Rodholm, Jackson Witte, and Natalie Block will be returning as our coaches!! We are looking for a couple of our platinum swimmers to help Natalie with our pre swimmers, please send email me, lindsayfredrick@gmail.com, if your swimmer is able to help. Thank you!
If you have any questions, please send email to lindsayfredrick@gmail.com
Here are the instructions for joining Stack Team App:
1. Click on the Spring Creek Hurricanes Logo once you're in the Stack Team App
2. Click on Settings (Gear in upper right hand corner on phone)
3. Click on Access Groups
4. You'll see one available group (Spring Creek Hurricanes). Click on that.
5. Join as a PLAYER, not parent.
6. Send the request and I will approve!